Nepal Tourism Year 2011

Nepal Tourism Year 2011

lijit search

Shopping and Souvenirs

on Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The handcrafts of Nepal are popular throughout tr world for their popular throughout the world for their superior workmanship and artistic excellence.
The receptivity and creativity of an given culture manifests itself throuh an assortment of expressions in the form of art,craft,painting ,belief,ritual,dance,and household items.Handcrafts not only carry artistic expression but also cultural conscience about the historical and religious significance of the place.
It may be out of sheer love for the culture and lifestyle of an alien social milieu ,or out of pride to mark the occasion of having a particular place,or simply to keep the flame of reminiscence burning,souvenirs retained as memento play crucial role in the travel habit of people round the world.


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Visit Nepal 2011


