Nepal Tourism Year 2011

Nepal Tourism Year 2011

lijit search

Mountain Flights

on Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Mountain flights offer a luxurious option of Himalayan experience .The one-hour mountain flight takes one close to some of the highest peaks in the world including Mt.Everest.One can clearly see and identify the peaks ,and see the Himalayan landscape and glaciers during the flight.The peaks seen are Gosaithan,Dorje Lhakpa,Phurbu,Chyachu,Choba,Bhamare,Gaurishanker,Melungtse,Chugimago ,Number,Karylung,Cho-Oyu,Gyachungkang,Pumori,Nuptse and of course Mt.Everest.Mountain flights are offered by several airlines especially in the morning from the domestic airport in Kathmandu.Mainly mountain flights in Nepal are carried out from the places of northern regions like Lukla,Pokhara and Jomsom.


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Visit Nepal 2011


